Find an Architect with These Simple Tips
There are several ways that a person can find an architect. These include, but are not limited to:
- Word of mouth and references,
- Researching architect companies online,
- Visiting an architect’s place of business.
Modern Tools Make it Easy
Nowadays it’s much easier to find an architect than ever before. Technology makes researching a firm an effortless process. To begin, you must first find the basics online.
First, identify the type of architecture that needs to be developed. For instance, if you need an architect to construct a hospital you would need to research online for either a commercial or a residential architect. For example, if you want to find an architect focusing on the residential area, Development One is not a fit. This because we focus on mission-critical facilities. But, there are a lot of great architects out there that focus on residential.
Next, you need to interview the architect to guarantee they can match your needs. You can either stop by their office or call them. Whichever is more convenient. A key to a good relationship with your architect is to establish common ground between ideas.
Another tip is to contact professional associations is through the American Institute of Architects. The American Institute of Architects is a professional organization. Most stellar architects belong to this institute, which makes their directory a valuable resource. These directories could help you find an architect in the vicinity of your project or where you live.
Key Indicators for Choosing Architects
After you find an architect, the area of expertise is the most important factor to keep in mind when making your selection. A business should make sure the architect specializes in the type of work needed, whether it be residential or commercial. Depending on what that is, that is the number one criteria.
The second important factor is whether they are able to get along with you. You want to make sure it’s a good fit once you find an architect.
Last but not least, you will want to make sure the architect is within the area or the vicinity. If not, their length of transportation could be a considerable expense. Also, the closer they are to you the easier it is to identify their professionalism.
One time, I had this client come by my office to interview me. He picked our firm and I asked him for the reason. And I’ll never forget his response. He said, “Because I loved how clean your office was.” You see, a clean office is a good reflection of the level of work the architect provides. If they have a sloppy office, it’s conceivable that the service they provide is pretty sloppy as well. These are all things that you should consider when you find an architect.
How to Research an Architect
Now let’s talk Consumer Affairs. The first place you should start is to consider checking the references of the architect. This includes determining whether the architect has their license. From there you should discover if the architect has any demerits or suspensions.
The second step is to research their profile, brochure, and other qualifications. When you find an architect, don’t be afraid to ask the architect for references for specific projects. Asking them for written references is another viable option. Here at Development One, we have binders of references from our previous clients. We show them to our clients upon request.
Yet another way is to go online. A lot of people are using a website called Glassdoor. It provides information on everything from employment practices to employee happiness. Most people recommend getting references through Glassdoor. It’s as simple as that to be able to get information on an architecture company. These tools will help you in your efforts to find an architect.