Architecture Degree Basics
Architecture degree requirements at Development One are specific. We value employees or candidates with an architecture degree from an accredited school. The training that goes into becoming a good designer is extensive. It is necessary to have that training. The best way to get it is at an accredited school of architecture.
My Scholastic Background
I went to the University of Washington and I got a four-year degree in architecture. A Bachelor of Arts in architecture. Then, followed with a Master’s degree. The Master’s was a professional degree. I had seven years of training in school. From there, you need three internship years. So, that is a total of 10 years of school and training for my architecture degree. Then, at the time, we could not take the exam until we had completed that level of training. Today, you can take the exams during your internship period. But you will not get licensed until you’ve completed that.
So as you can see, the level of training is quite extensive. I could be an MD right now if I went that route. Of course, I love architecture and history has gone to show it’s where I belong and I’m passionate about it. And having all that training has served me well. I am a good architect because of my architecture degree and I recommend for everybody to go that route. If indeed it is in them to become a good architect. There are good architecture schools that not only will make you a good architect, but are also a lot of fun.
Leadership at the University of Washington
My Bachelor and Masters are from the University of Washington School of Architecture. That was an exceptional school. To this day, I’m still connected to the school. It was a good experience for me because of the academics. But also, it was able to expose me to activities within the profession outside of the school. I was able to meet people who were doing the real thing out there. They steered me in the direction of activities that would make me a good architect. For example, leadership roles. In associations like the Student Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. They encouraged me to join a fraternity where I became the president. That is where I started with my leadership roles.
I often talk to people with an architecture degree who graduated with a good GPA. Graduating magna cum laude, with double and triple majors, and more. They tell me, in retrospect, that those activities and grades did not serve them well. According to them, the reason is that they were too focused on the books and the classroom and that is all they did. They were not exposed to extracurricular activities while they were at their university. And when we look back there are so many things to do at the university. It would be a disservice to not take advantage of those. In my case, I played sports. I held leadership roles in organizations, and even in dance clubs.
Passing Lessons to the Next Generation
I was happy to see my son encouraged, while he was in university, to take a dance class. He took it as part of his general requirements because of what it would expose him to. Not to be more popular and to be more of an extrovert. Though the experience would serve him well in his future. And he took it well and has told me some great stories. That experience allowed him to have more fun at parties, for example. Also, at social events and networking events.
When we go into business, networking and socializing is important. In the profession and you must know how to generate exposure when you are out there. And the only way to learn is to do it. So, that experience in social activities is as important as your architecture degree.